On sale

2 Logo | "The Backlot / Studio One" Limited Edition T-Shirt (Black)


Gildan 5.5 Ounce Black T-Shirt featuring the "Studio One" logo on the Front Pocket and the "Back to The Backlot" logo on the back centered.

Proceeds from the sale of these items will go directly to the USC - One Archives and the Studio One / Backlot Exhibition.

These are limited to our current quantity as they are collectors pieces for our "Back To The Backlot" concert at The Factory in West Hollywood, CA. More info at www.ChrisIsaacsonPresents.com

ADDED BONUS: With your purchase, you will receive a complimentary "Eat, Shop & Play" Reusable Tote Bag courtesy of West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and Athens Services. #SaveOurStages